
Musings on "engagement"

Saturday, July 27, 2013
While here at Supercamp, I made a friend who is fairly recently married. The advice that she gave me was to really take the time to enjoy the engagement period, because it's a very special time in your relationship that is unlike both dating and being married. The first time that she said it, I was not sure exactly what she was talking about. I mean, we're planning a wedding. That's different. We're planning on moving in together. That's different, too. But what is this really special time she is talking about?

It is now several weeks later, and after having been away from Joe for so long now and having had time to really think about what she said, I have come to realize how special this time really does feel for me.

Last summer, Joe and I were apart the whole summer. I missed him horribly, but I was busy, so even though it was really rough, I was able to cope. It was an intense feeling of missing him, but the feeling this summer is different. It's kind of hard to explain. It's not necessarily that I miss him more, I just miss him differently. It's like a feeling that I'm constantly forgetting something, sort of. Like a nagging feeling that I'm just not completely fulfilled or present at any moment. I don't know if that makes sense. It's hard to explain, because it's more of a subconscious feeling than a conscious feeling. It's just different, like I said.

The other thing is how special it is to plan and imagine our lives together. We've been together a long time, so we've talked about the future in a hypothetical way and made "plans." Now we are actually making plans. We have registered for wedding gifts that will become our things that we use together every day. We are looking for things to decorate the apartment and discussing the things we'll do together regularly when we live together. We're making plans for where we will live and where we will visit. It's a very exciting time where there are so many possibilities for our futures together.

Another major difference is the mindset change from "me" to "we." People have asked me if I'm coming back to Supercamp or if I might like to stay involved in the company in the future. I can't really say what I'll be doing because now I have to consider that my decisions aren't just for me. When we were just dating, it was less of a big deal to leave for a few weeks to do a camp, but that won't really be true once we're married. I have to take into consideration that I am not just one person anymore, I am two. Changing that mindset is somewhat difficult at times. For example, we'll be getting married right before Christmas. It's important to Joe that we spend Christmas together as a family, which looks like just the two of us at this point. I'm now shifting into thinking of Joe as my family. That means that he will become my first go-to, my emergency contact, my person. I have been so used to that being my mom or both my parents that it is a definite mindset shift.

So that's what is different from dating that I have noticed so far. We'll see what else comes up. I can definitely say that my friend was right, though. This time of engagement is very special. :)

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Wedding planning all day, err'day

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Unfortunately there will be few pictures on this post because I don't want to give away things!

When Joe and I got engaged, we knew that we wanted a short engagement. We had been talking about the possibility of a December wedding for a while and once we got engaged, we knew it was possible. We can plan a wedding in five months, right? Well four, really, considering I'm going to be gone at camp for the entire month of July. WHEW, deep breaths.

So, needless to say, planning has been in high gear for the past week (we've only been engaged a week?)! And by high gear, I mean HIGH GEAR.

My first order of business was to call the venue I had been eyeing for a while to see if they were still available and they were - YAY! So we set up a tour with them for this past Saturday.

Next order of business... dress, obviously! I made an appointment to go into David's Bridal to try on a bunch of dresses and get an idea of what I wanted because I thought I had no idea.

Last week I also asked all of my bridesmaids, flower girl and ring bearer to be in the wedding so the wedding party is set (well, mine... Joe has some things to do this week, still). Finally, I finished up a preliminary guest list of my guests (Joe will be doing his this week).

This weekend has been a complete whirlwind.

On Friday, I went to the Fall Out Boy concert which was INCREDIBLE.

I danced and sang my heart out and only just got my voice back completely yesterday. I thought I would die of heat stroke but it was such an amazing concert. You have to understand: I love Fall Out Boy. I loved them in middle school and I never stopped. I still very regularly listen to them so this was probably the most fun I have ever had at  a concert. Plus, I got to go with all my best friends so that made it even better.

Saturday it was back to wedding planning. We went to our hopeful wedding venue for a tour. Both of my parents got to come, so that was exciting. We were driving along looking for it when suddenly we saw it up on this huge cliff overlooking a lake and all of us just went, "Wow!" Needless to say, we loved the venue. It was beautiful and the people were very friendly, helpful and did not pressure us at all. We took a long time to talk amongst ourselves about what package we wanted, which made me so stress, but my wonderful finance kept us grounded and made sure that my mom and I didn't get overwhelmed and end up going with something bigger than we really wanted, which almost happened. In the end, I got exactly what I wanted and am so happy with our choice. Now that it's official, I can say that we are getting married at Hermann Hill! Click the link to see some pictures and info about it! And the very most exciting thing...

WE'RE ON THE CALENDAR! :) Ignore the crappy cell phone pictures of my computer screen. I should have done a screen shot but whatever. Not changing it now.

After we booked our venue, we went to our favorite chocolate place in Hermann to get some yummy treats and then Joe and I jetted off to Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond to register for wedding gifts. Target was not very fun and they were super unhelpful (I ended up scanning into a list, not a registry so I have to go back and redo it... ugh) but Bed, Bath and Beyond was so much fun! We made it halfway through the store before we got exhausted and decide to finish the next day. Then we went out to dinner at HuHot (yummmm) and then relaxed and watched a movie.

The next day we had lunch with Joe's family, got Joe fitted for a tux for his sister's wedding, picked out probably tuxes for our own wedding and then went to finish up our registry. Joe registered for a Roomba and a tennis ball shooter because he's Joe. We had fun and we're really happy with our registry. It was really fun to choose the things that will be ours.

On Monday (yesterday) I went to my dress appointment with my mom, Lindsey, Amanda and Sydni. We had a really fun time and I tried on a variety of dresses. There were two that I just absolutely loved, but in the end, I came back to one. We left and planned to come back later. I thought about it over the day and decided I needed to try the dress on one more time, so we went back last night and I tried it on again. We put on all the accessories (veil, sash, etc.) and, cheesy as it is, I put headphones on and played the song I am planning on walking down the aisle to and I knew that it was the dress. I can't believe I found a dress that I love on the first day! How easy was that? It's a perfect dress for me and when I looked back at my Pinterest wedding board last night, I realized that almost all the dresses I had pinned were the same style... guess I knew what I wanted all along!

Today I am choosing our photographer. This has proved to be one of the most difficult decisions so far! Choosing a dress was hard just because I'm a commitment-phobe, but finding a photographer who will really capture what I want has been tough.

So that's where we're at. In the past (little over a) week, we have done the following:
1. Choose a date
2. Book a wedding and reception venue
3. Register for gifts
4. Buy a dress and all accessories (except hair and shoes)
5. Choose probable tuxes
6. Finalize wedding color
7. Make guest list
8. Decide on a photographer

Who says you can't plan a wedding in a short amount of time?

I'm having so much fun! :)
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